Revitalizing Spaces: Artist Residency Farm8 by Studio Array


Nestled in the urban village of Arjanghar, New Delhi, the Artist Residency Farm8 stands as an oasis amidst the bustling cityscape. Crafted by Studio Array, this residency embodies a harmonious blend of nature and architecture, offering visiting artists a serene escape from urban life.

Preservation and Renewal

Originally conceived as an artist’s studio, the Farm8 project underwent a transformation, evolving into a sustainable farming space and an artist collective. Studio Array embraced the existing foundations and columns, integrating them into the new design to minimize waste and uphold the client’s permaculturalist ethos.

Harmonizing Old and New

Studio Array’s design ethos focused on weaving together the old and the new, blurring boundaries between indoor and outdoor spaces. Lightweight steel, glass, bamboo, and wooden drywall construction were introduced to envelop the existing structure, creating a seamless transition between the past and the present.

Embracing Nature

The residency’s design prioritizes a connection with nature, offering semi-open spaces that emulate the experience of sitting under a tree. Modular sloping roofs respond to functional needs while harmonizing with the surrounding greenery, creating a passive envelope that complements the natural landscape.

Fluid Spatial Narratives

Diverse volumes and scales within the modular blocks blur boundaries between public and private realms. Double-height, semi-open verandahs extend private quarters, allowing users to seamlessly transition between different spheres. Hand-woven bamboo screens and lime-washed dry walls add texture and warmth, inviting nature to become an integral part of the living spaces.

A Contemporary Haven

Through its understated yet contemporary design, Studio Array crafts a sanctuary that celebrates its natural habitat. The use of natural materials and the integration of organic elements reflect a deep respect for the environment, creating a timeless abode that harmonizes with its surroundings.


The Artist Residency Farm8 exemplifies Studio Array’s commitment to revitalizing spaces while preserving their intrinsic character. By embracing nature and fostering a sense of harmony, this residency offers a tranquil retreat for artists to reconnect with their creativity amidst the beauty of the natural world.

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