Artist Spotlight: Gabe Langholtz

Exploring Mundane Cultural Objects

Austin, Texas-based artist Gabe Langholtz presents a selection of recent paintings that delve into the realm of everyday cultural objects and activities. Drawing inspiration from folk art and American Color Field painting, Langholtz infuses his works with his distinctive style, characterized by vibrant color relations, intricate pattern-making, and a keen focus on form and line.

Emphasis on Surface Texture

Langholtz’s creative process is driven by a desire to challenge himself and push the boundaries of traditional painting techniques. He often disrupts the routine by experimenting with surface texture, incorporating elements such as modeling paste, resin, sand, and acrylic polymers onto the canvas. This layering of materials, along with the occasional pentimenti (alterations to the composition), adds depth and complexity to his paintings, creating a terrain that feels tactile and visibly worked over.

Constructing Unique Narratives

For Langholtz, each painting is an opportunity to construct, deconstruct, and reconstruct a narrative that is both unique and compelling. By immersing himself in the painting process, he invites viewers to join him on a journey of exploration and discovery. Through careful manipulation of color, form, and texture, Langholtz brings his subjects to life, transforming mundane objects into captivating works of art.


Gabe Langholtz’s paintings offer a fresh perspective on the ordinary, inviting viewers to reconsider the beauty and significance of everyday cultural objects. With his meticulous attention to detail and innovative approach to painting, Langholtz creates dynamic compositions that captivate the imagination and stimulate the senses. As he continues to push the boundaries of his practice, Langholtz remains committed to crafting paintings that are both visually compelling and emotionally resonant.

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