Unveiling the Artistry of Hamadaraka

Hamadaraka, comprising twin painters Eru Arizono and Emu Arizono, offers a unique glimpse into their artistic vision through a diverse selection of works. The duo employs a range of artistic tools to explore various facets of their existence, drawing inspiration from dreams, environmental factors like temperature and humidity, and the subtle nuances of auditory stimuli.

Painting as a Form of Communication

For Hamadaraka, painting transcends mere artistic expression; it serves as a form of communication—a private language through which they navigate the borderlands between the visible and the invisible. Their artistry embodies the concept of idioglossia, allowing them to articulate an imaginary realm that exists beyond the confines of conventional perception.

Navigating the Space Between Realms

Central to Hamadaraka’s creative philosophy is the belief that paradise lies within the liminal space between the tangible world and the realm of imagination. By melding sensations experienced during the act of painting, emotions rooted in reality, and the narratives and forms of fantastical creatures, the duo crafts a tapestry of imagery that blurs the boundaries between the real and the surreal.

Embracing the Sacred and Enjoyable

The process of artistic creation, according to Hamadaraka, is a sacred and deeply fulfilling endeavor. It involves a puzzle-like synthesis of sensory experiences, emotional insights, and imaginative musings to bring forth creatures and landscapes that inhabit their envisioned paradise. Through this transformative act of painting, the duo finds profound joy and fulfillment in giving shape to their innermost visions.


Hamadaraka, the collaborative endeavor of Eru Arizono and Emu Arizono, offers a captivating exploration of the intersection between reality and imagination. Through their art, they invite viewers into a realm where dreams and reality intertwine, where the boundaries of perception blur, and where the act of creation becomes a sacred communion with the ineffable. With each brushstroke, Hamadaraka communicates a language of the soul, weaving a tapestry of imagery that transcends the confines of the visible world. As they continue to delve into the depths of their collective consciousness, Hamadaraka remains a beacon of creativity and inspiration in the contemporary art landscape.

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